Career & College Pathways

What is a Pathway?

At the Southwest Colorado Education Collaborative, we offer a variety of college and career pathways designed to provide students with a range of opportunities that allow them to explore their interests while gaining valuable skills and knowledge in a chosen field. Our pathways are designed to provide students with a seamless transition to college or the workforce through applicable high school and collegiate-level coursework, work-based learning opportunities, summer institutes, and authentic career experiences. We place a strong emphasis on student choice, allowing them to choose the pathways and opportunities that align with their interests. Each pathway is unique, and was designed in alignment with industry standards in order to prepare students for success in their chosen career.

We provide a culture of advising that includes support from educators, family members, and industry leaders, and helps guide students toward the pathway that best aligns with their goals. By involving students in the decision-making process and allowing them to take ownership of their future, we aim to cultivate a sense of agency and empowerment in students, allowing them to pursue their passions with confidence and purpose.

The Collaborative currently supports five shared pathways across the Southwest Region. The five pathways are focused on industry sectors and have multiple career and technical education (CTE) pathways outlined under each. To learn more about our five shared pathways we invite you to read further below.

Career & College Pathways:

Building Trades

Building Trades: Students in the Buildings Trades sector in districts across Southwest Colorado have access to strong course offerings and standardized industry skills competencies. Students gain exposure to new hands-on experiences, targeted job training and career advising, and the opportunity to earn industry certifications and college credits.


To address the critical shortage of educators, the Collaborative is developing two CTE pathways within the Education Sector. The two CTE pathways that are being supported are Early Childhood Education and Teacher Education. Upon completion of the Teacher Education pathway, students will have earned 12 credits (a full semester) of guaranteed transfer credit courses towards their Bachelors of Education. Students engaging in the Early Childhood Education pathway will earn a certification upon completion of the pathway.


The Environmental sector engages students in environmental and sustainability studies through a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach. The three CTE pathways under this sector include Agriculture & Natural Resources, Water Quality, and Outdoor Recreation. Each of these pathways are poised to support student-driven learning to support sustainable practices in their local communities and protect our natural and man-made resources.

Health Sciences

There is high demand for health care workers in Colorado and elsewhere, and more young talent is required to fill the growing need. The Allied Health pathway supports students in learning more about the many careers in the health field, and gaining the skills and experiences necessary to access certificates and post-secondary options for career readiness.

Hospitality & Tourism

The Southwest region is rich with opportunities for young entrepreneurs to learn how to build and take part in our hospitality and tourism sector. Students who engage in this pathway have access to two CTE pathways: Restaurant Management and Entrepreneurship, to learn leadership skills, fundamentals of business, and obtain certifications for direct employment within this industry sector.

Pathway Sharing Across our Region

Our Steering Committee encompassing administrative leaders from across all 9 school districts determined a sharing model for students to access classes in career and college pathways regardless of their zip code. The map below indicates communities that will be hosting Level 1 and Level 2 CTE courses in all of our pathways for students to engage in. We are excited to demonstrate the commitment our K-12 partners have made to give all students equitable access to career and college pathways that they are interested in pursuing in high school.