The Southwest Colorado

Education Collaborative

We are a nonprofit bridging education and industry, creating pathways to meaningful careers and a stronger workforce in rural Colorado.

Our Vision and Values

Bringing students’ futures to life—strengthening pathways, one partner at a time.

  1. Student Focused Empowering: Putting students furthest from opportunities at the center, providing them with tools, experiences, and opportunities to lead their own futures.

  2. Abundant Partnerships: Cultivating a vision for shared educational and industry resources.

  3. Adaptable Solutions: Approaching educational and industry challenges through curiosity and creativity.

  4. Community Driven: Strengthening our region through purposeful connections.

  5. Collective Integrity: Fostering trust through transparent communication and mission integrity to serve our region.


What We Offer

The Southwest Colorado Education Collaborative serves as the catalyst, strengthening pathways through collaboration and innovation. Our services are designed to empower, support, and expand the capacity of our partner schools and businesses through

  • Enhanced Educational Work-Based Learning Opportunities including Job Shadows, Career Fairs, and Summer Institutes, as well as supporting shared course development and expansion

  • Industry Grade Equipment and Technology Access through the myTurn Library and Mobile Learning Labs

  • Internship and Apprenticeship Integration by facilitating direct pipeline connections through Career Launch Southwest and Career Fairs

  • Professional Development for partners across the continuum including equipment training for students and teachers

  • Pathway Development and Management to align industry trends and skills with career readiness programs